Grip by Ytre

Prototype for Håndverk+

Galleri Format


Grip is a reimagining of the milk stool. The interpretation translates the traditional features with rationality, precision metal work and function in accordance to the material properties of aluminum.

Photography © Per Olav Sølvberg

Grip was part of the annual Håndverk+ exhibition held in Gallery Format in Oslo, 2022. Håndverk+ was established in 2017 with the goal of creating a meeting point between makers and designers. Håndverk+ showcases traditional craft in a contemporary coat, and has both cultural and commercial value, with innovation and the exchange of knowledge as the foundation.

This time we are so lucky as to exhibit at Format. The exhibition will be open for five weeks, and this year’s theme is TRANSFORMATION, tapping into political and societal shifts which undoubtedly affect how we express ourselves through aesthetics and function.